Bacon, Avocado, and Tomato Sandwich

It seems as though bacon is going through one of those "I'm so popular/just put bacon on everything" sort of phases. I'm definitely okay with this. I'm totally on board with the bacon trend and trying new and inventive bacon-inspired dishes. But there's something so refreshing about the classics, like the bacon, lettuce (or avocado), and tomato sandwich.

Why do I sub avocado for lettuce in my BLT? Because I prefer something with a little bit of flavor, people. Don't get me wrong--I totally love lettuce, but I often consider it filler. I like a BLT with some punch, and bacon on top of that sliced avocado makes for a real winner.

You probably don't even need a recipe for this one, but here it goes anyway.

What you'll need:

  • Two slices of bread (I prefer the really yummy, seedy kind)
  • 1 medium-sized tomato, sliced
  • 1 ripe hass avocado, sliced
  • Mayonnaise
  • 2-3 slices of cooked bacon

1. Toast your slices of bread until they're nice and golden.

2. Garnish your bread with plenty of mayo, tomato, avocado, and bacon.

3. Eat.

Delicious, I know.

Blogging About Biscotti

Hey, hey. You can check me out over on Camille Styles today blogging about one of my favorite coffee shop snacks: biscotti! Cranberry pistachio biscotti, that is. Hop on over to see more photos and grab the recipe for yourself.

Thanks so much for having me Camille and Camille Styles team!

Color Happy: Citron

Is it green, or is it yellow? Either way, anything with even just hints of citron has been grabbing my eye lately. I say either go LOUD with something big, like a full citron gown or statement necklace. Or you can keep it simple with the slightest color pop to grab the eye. If you're looking for an easy way to incorporate a citron piece into a room or outfit, pair it something a dark (but not black), like charcoal gray. I think this makes for the perfect neon-neutral combination.

[Miroslava Duma; necklace; color pop jeans; clutch; pillow; hand towel; bedroom

What do you think of this loud, dashing color?

Girls Wearing Glasses

I've already got my heart set on getting a new pair of glasses. There are too many choices out there, really. I'm always drawn to pairs with big, thick plastic frames, and lately I've been loving tortoise or lighter shades rather than black. Here are a few ladies from the around the blogosphere who've been taunting me with their specs, and then one pair of sweet sunnies at the bottom:

And as for me and my current glasses? We get along just fine, but I've got a crush on these two sweet and nerdy pairs:

Glasses are so fun! Have a great day!

Little Lovelies (Animated GIF Edition)

Happy Friday, friends! I hope you had a fabulous week. For today's Little Lovelies post I wanted to share a few things that I recently rediscovered! Do you ever hold onto simple things with hopes that they'll inspire you later? Like a pretty box that once carried a new piece of jewelry? Or cute office supplies that you sort of forgot you had?

These funky pencils were a gift from a former coworker. They kind of became lost amongst all of my office crap and I rediscovered them when I packed up my old desk before starting my new job. We all know I have a thing for engraved pencils, so you can probably imagine how delighted I was to come across these pups again.

Then there's this sweet little jewelry box. Erica Weiner is definitely one my favorite jewelry designers, and her vertebrae necklace is one of my absolute FAVORITE pieces. About a year or so ago I ordered this pretzel necklace and it arrived in this darling little box. It's been stuck on a shelf for MONTHS, but I can't muster the courage to throw it away. The design is just too pretty.

Have a beautiful weekend! Thanks for letting me practice my animated GIFs!

Spring Wishes

I've been dreaming of spring for weeks now, so I'm already set with my wish list. This season I've gone with a much shorter wish list with hopes that I'll actually be able to swing all three of these things. My list for fall was a bit lengthy, but that's why they call it a "wish" list, right?

I've been pretty obsessed with this Leah Goren cat dress ever since I saw it on Calivintage a while back. It's a bit shorter than the dresses I normally wear, but I'm thinking it will be perfect for spring and summer.

And I'm still looking for the perfect ankle boot. These suede ones are just what I need to wear with shorts as the heat ramps up.

Lastly, and like I said earlier this week, I'm looking for a new pair of specs to change up my look. I love the shape and color of this pair.

What's on your spring wish list?

Baked Potato Soup

Mmmmm ... you can't go wrong with bacon, potatoes, sour cream, and lots and lots of garlic. My favorites recipes this time of year are the delicious and hearty ones, much like this one by Smitten Kitchen for tasty baked potato soup.

This recipe is for garlic lovers. It calls for an entire head of garlic and I love how you cook and simmer it with the potatoes and broth.

What you'll need:
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 3 T unsalted butter
  • 2 medium leeks, white and green parts chopped
  • 6 cups vegetable or chicken broth
  • 2.5 pounds russet potatoes, cut into 1/2-inch cubes (I left the skins on for the extra nutrients.)
  • 1/3 cup sour cream
  • Salt
  • Scallions, chopped
  • Bacon bits
  • Grated cheese
  • Extra sour cream

1. Take your head of garlic and chop off the top third. Pop out the cloves from that top third and mince them. Leave the larger part of the garlic head whole.

2. In a large pot, melt the butter over medium heat and then cook the leeks for about 5 minutes until they're soft.

3. Add the minced garlic and cook another minute.

4. Then add the larger part of the garlic head, broth, and 3/4 teaspoon salt.

5. Reduce the heat and simmer for 30 to 40 minutes until the garlic is super tender. Add potatoes and continue to simmer for another 15 to 20 minutes, partially covered, until the potatoes are tender.

6. Remove the garlic head and squeeze the tender garlic cloves onto a cutting board. Take a fork and mash the garlic cloves into a smooth paste and add it back to the soup. This will make your soup super garlicky.

7. Add sour cream to the soup and cook for another 2 to 3 minutes.

8. Add your salt and pepper to taste.

9. Transfer a portion of the potatoes and broth to a food processor or blender and puree until smooth.

10. Serve and dress with more sour cream, cheese, bacon bits, and scallions as the toppings.

Ta-da! Soup!

Color Happy: Pink and Mustard

I continue to learn more about my style and what I'm attracted to via Pinterest. Take pink, for example. I never thought of myself as a fan of the color, with the exception of pink and mint of course. But I can't help but LOVE shades of pink when combined with an equally bright color like mustard yellow.

[Image 1, 2, and 3]

Maybe I'm a bigger fan of pink that I initially thought. We did paint our wedding desk pink, and my shoes were most certainly borderline pink and red. What can I say?

Inspired By (Chan Marshall)

Anyone else a huge fan of Chan Marshall, a.k.a. Cat Power? I've been eying her style for years. It's effortlessly tomboy-ish, and I'm still a huge fan of her bangs.

[Image 1, 2, and 3]

Whenever I feel like channeling Chan Marshall I always want to cut my bangs and dress a'somethin' like this:

I love the tomboy look, but I also love the uber flirty and feminine. Which do you prefer?

Link Love

Why, hello there. Are you glad it's Friday, friends? I sure am. And what have you been up to this week? I've been learning away over at my new job, and I'll tell you--it's tiring. So I'm very much looking forward to a weekend full of relaxing, hanging out with my sister, and catching up on some of my favorite blogs.


Just a few links I fell in love with this week:

I so wish this blog post had been around as I was packing for our honeymoon to Australia and New Zealand. Here are some really great tips from Jordan about what to wear while traveling.

By the uber talented ladies from Honestly...WTF, here's an excellent DIY for creating heart-shaped elbow pads out of wool roving. I thought it was great because I'm always looking for more fun ways to work with felt.

I discovered Hillary Hopper's blog earlier this week and I loved this post about 10 ways to feel good at the office. It includes a few tips for feeling prettier, more feminine, and energized during a long day at work.  

Have a pretty weekend, my lovelies!

Style Post: Stripes and a Little Fleur de Sel

Life is sort of pushing me out of my comfort zone at the moment. First, I leave the only job I've ever known to start a new one. Then, I'm forced to scout out new, and very public, locations to take outfit photos. Sadly, I've reached the point where I'm only able to shoot on weekends. Mornings just aren't practical this time of year. So off I went last Saturday, with Kyle and a good attitude by my side, to find a new and somewhat secluded spot to take pictures. But it all had to start with coffee, a croissant, and some fleur de sel caramel sweets from La Patisserie before we could really get things going.

We didn't have to go very far to find an interesting something to take photos with. This abandoned trailer was just in the lot next to La Patisserie. I thought the color scheme was interesting, and stripes next to stripes are always fun.

[Madewell sweater and shoes (last seen here); American Apparel shirt; Langford Market skirt; J.Crew tights; Tiffany's necklace (old gift from mom)]

I've really been loving the slouchy sweater with a skirt look lately. It's a nice way to casually dress up, I think. This skirt was a recent find from Langford Market and a fun addition to my sad skirt collection. I'm always looking for more playful skirts that I can skip around town in.

Do you take outfit photos for your blog? How do you overcome that strange fear of people watching you?

Lots of Arrows

Remember this sweet little print of two arrows? Well, last week I found another one with even MORE arrows on it. Each arrow is cute and dainty on its own, but put dozens together on one print and you've got a bunch of wild and ferocious looking arrows!

Baked Donuts

News flash! I have a pretty healthy donut obsession. It's true. I'll never say no to a donut. But due to the all the fried-ness, I try to keep my donut intake in check. I think my body appreciates it. And that's also why I've been dying to experiment and make my own donuts at home, including the incredible, oil-less baked donut!

Sorry, but I don't have an actual recipe to share today. I'm more interested in writing about the wonder and glory that is pre-made donut mix. Kyle's mom sent us two packages of pumpkin spice donut mix for Christmas. All I needed to actually make them was an egg, butter, and some milk. Oh, and a swanky donut pan. Fifteen minutes later and I had myself some warm, freshly glazed donuts. I don't think it could have been any easier.

Do you think baked donuts are actually healthier than the regular ones? I'm not so sure since it's essentially still cake covered in frosting. Sounds delicious, though.

Now I'm eager to make my own donuts from scratch, starting with these chocolate donuts from Camille Styles. I'll let you know how those turn out.

P.S. I've thought about doing a series on my favorite Austin donut shops on the blog. What do you think? Do people even care that much about donuts? If you do and you're in Austin, maybe we should hang out.

My Favorite Valentine DIYs

Kyle and I haven't really planned anything for Valentine's Day. Presents aren't really a big deal for us, but I DO wish I had more time to DIY a few fun, lovey-dovey things. I'm loving all these sweet (and very creative) Valentine projects from around the web:

A beautiful ampersand collage via Design Sponge

Heart-shaped multicolored crayons via WhipperBerry

Homemade heart cutout dress via Ruche

The sweetest and daintiest little heart garland via I Heart This Blog

Did you craft anything cute for Valentine's Day?

Color Happy: Peach and Tangerine

I hope you all managed to stay warm this weekend. While the cooler temps were nice and gave us just the slightest glimpse of snow, I'm more than ready for spring. Which is why I've been gravitating toward bright, cheery colors the last couple of weeks, like peach and tangerine. I love the idea of combining two seriously bright hues together, and I always find this pair very inviting. Add a nice neutral element and you have yourself a smooth but eye-catching color palette.

These colors definitely scream spring and summer for me, but I also love the idea of peachy walls year round, especially for a room with nice open windows and tons of light.

Which colors are you obsessing over right now?

A Sweet Gift for a Valentine

Alright, alright. I know I was just hating on traditional Valentine-y stuff, but local Austin boutique by george is collaborating with marvelous talents of The Byrd Collective to offer custom flower arrangements on Valentine's Day! If you're in Austin and in need of some beautifully styled blooms for Tuesday, visit by george at the 6th and Lamar location from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. to pick out your custom arrangement.

Here's a glimpse of some of The Byrd Collective's work featured on Camille Styles. All so pretty:

[All images provided by Camille Styles: The Cream (photographed by Mike Bullock), Food & Flowers Party (photographed by She-n-He Photography), and a Thanksgiving arrangement (photographed by Mike Bullock)]

Do you and your sweet exchange gifts for Valentine's Day?

Link Love

Happy Friday, my friends! I hope you all have some fabulous weekend plans ahead of you. As for me, I'm going to a festive shindig at a friend's place followed by some relaxation and mental preparation for a big life change! That's right. I'm changing jobs next week and I'm pretty excited about it. I don't write too much about my day job and such on the blog, but I think it's important to keep my fine readers in the know at least a little bit about what's going on outside of If I Must Say So. Basically I'm going to be blogging a lot at the new job, but if you want to know more feel free to shoot me an email.

[Image found via Wit & Delight]

And now for some lovely links:

Refinery29 just inspired me to bust out my pencil skirts again. I love all of these styling tips.

I'm starting to fall for Kinfolk Magazine. Like really hard. They've also started a dinner series, and it's coming to Austin! Here's a short description:

"The Kinfolk dinner series is about inviting people to gather and take advantage of the rich community that already exists around them, opening up and drawing close to the people that share a common place. We aim to encourage collaboration amidst local artisans and small businesses. Our plan? 12 dinners, 12 cities, once every month."

Discovered this lovely illustrator over on Miss Moss this week.

And, of course, photos from one of the sweetest weddings going around the blogosphere.

Have a splendid weekend!

Valentines and Cute Hearts

Kyle and I have never been too big on Valentine's Day, but we've never really been against it either. I think all the hype is a little ridiculous--dinner, flowers, chocolate, you know the drill. I think the cute, small gestures are more appropriate ways to express love and appreciation for someone. These kinds of valentines might take some extra thought, but loved ones are more likely to remember them year after year.

Here are some of the cuter things I like about Valentine's day, and just hearts in general:

[Breakfast; heart beads; vintage valentine; heart pin; heart sunglasses; love notes]

Do you celebrate Valentine's Day?

Oh Clémence

Yes, Clémence Poésy is pretty gorgeous. So gorgeous that I've already blogged about her once today over on Grown-up Shoes! Check it out here.

I'll admit I'm secretly obsessed with the show Gossip Girl, and Clémence's short appearance in season 4 (only 4 episodes!) was super entertaining. She played Chuck's French love interest who discovers him in an alleyway after he'd been beaten and robbed. She nurses him to health, he lies to her about his past, and then she falls for him before he whisks her away to NYC. We later learn that her past was a bit more risqué (read lady of the night) than we thought, and Chuck eventually dumps her.

So sad, but I'm still glad I found her! She's made a few appearances on my style inspiration board, and I love the way she takes beautiful risks with fashion. And I can't stand how wondrous and girly she looks in this Marc Jacobs dress for Glamour UK (found here). It's just perfect.

I thought this image was so feminine and dreamy with her dress, the flowers, and the fireplace. So of course I felt inspired to start pinning even more images. I was drawn to these delicate bathroom tiles, the sweet colors of the peppermint patties, the artsy and fantasy-like look of the fox and rabbit drawing, and the photograph of some of my favorite flowers, garden roses.

Is there a celebrity fashionista out there who's constantly grabbing your attention with her amazing style? Do share. 

Inspired By (Clémence Poésy)

Hello, hello! I'm so delighted to feature my latest style inspiration post over on Grown-up Shoes, a cozy little design and style blog and one of my new favorite stops for everyday inspiration. Today I'm blogging about the lovely Clémence Poésy and her sweet style. So hop on over to Grown-up Shoes and check it out!

Style Post: Different Shades of Denim

Yes, I've found another "perfect chambray shirt." Some might say there's something wrong with me, and they'd probably be right. But I can't let that bother me. Chambray is awesome.

This time I found one in a darker wash from the new Madewell heritage denim collection. The truth is I wasn't even looking for a third fourth chambray shirt, but the super dark denim was just a really nice addition to the mix. I have to be pretty careful when I style this shirt, though. Either super light, super dark, or black denim on bottom because anything in between is going to be just too matchy-matchy, and it will distract from the awesomeness of the shirt.

[Madewell shirt and jeans; James Perse shirt; J.Crew boots (last seen here); Kendra Scott necklace; Ray-Ban sunglasses]

Sorry for the lack of smiles in this post. It was windy and sunny out--both good things, just not for photo shoots.

What's the one item in your closet that you can't have enough of?

How to Style a Head Scarf

I'm always on the hunt for a new scarf. Or better yet, a fun new way to style the scarves I already have. Like a head scarf, for instance. Talk about a great way to accessorize AND avoid having to do your hair.

I used one of my favorite thrifted silk scarves for this easy tutorial. Just make sure your scarf is a pretty decent size so it will fit around your head.

1. Take your folded scarf and tie it securely around your head.

2. Tie another loose knot on top.

3. and 4. Tuck both sides underneath the scarf and you're done!

And here's a poodle, just for fun.

Speaking of ways to wear a scarf, have you seen this awesome YouTube video?

Link Love

Here's to a cozy weekend full of friends, relaxation, and play time. I'm hoping my Saturday morning looks something like this:

And three of my favorite links of the week:

Mrs. Lilien loves doing laundry, and I think some of her tips will make me hate doing laundry less.

I love stories behind businesses, and Tolly shares a sweet tale of how two Austinites came together to find love and one of my favorite restaurants here in town.

I'm always looking for tips on how take better photos for the blog. These 5 tips for how to take great outdoor photos by Elsie are surely helpful.

Have a good one!

Fan Favorites: Preppy Leather Bags

Growing up I used to love my dad's old briefcase. It was jet black, worn to bits, and it showed amazing signs of aging. The leather was super smooth most places, but I loved looking at and touching the creases because they were full of cracks and crevices from all the wear and tear. Maybe one day I'll be important enough to carry a sweet leather briefcase. Until then, I've got my eye on a bunch of sweet leather bags, satchels, and mini briefcases to keep me busy.

 [Bag 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5]

Some of these remind me of crispy clean schoolboy/girl bags. I love all the buckles and pockets that some have. I especially love bags 3 and 5. Sadly they're sold out, but surely I can get my hands on a similar preppy leather bag at some point.

If you find bag 3 at a J.Crew near you, let me know? 

Style Post: Feathered Hat and Maxi Skirt

Last weekend I had a chance to explore one of Austin's neighboring towns. Georgetown, we call it, and it's just a mere 30 miles outside of the city. My friend Lacy lives up there and kindly offered to show me around some of the cute antique and consignment shops. The perfect excuse to wear a feathered hat, right?

Yea, I've been dying to wear this hat more often. And it seemed perfect for a rather windy afternoon. I also just figured out what's missing from this outfit: color. I feel like I've been doing a good job incorporating more color into my looks this year, but sometimes you have to just go with whatever feels right. Like black. And brown.

[Madewell hat and skirt; J.Crew shirt and boots (last seen here)]

What do you wear when you go exploring?