Color Happy: Shades of Purple

To tell you the truth, I don't wear a ton of purple. It's always been my mom's favorite color and I usually just leave it at that. But I still love purple and all its many shades. From the deep and mysterious hues like eggplant to the cheery, brighter colors like mulberry and fuchsia, I'm loving how they all fare with other colors that pop. Like orange, for instance...

[Image 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5]

And I love me some chartreuse and plum. For sure. That plush velvet sofa against that bright purple wall stopped me in my Internet tracks.

I'm not sure if this is THE color palette for me or my blog. But the more I write and ogle at the vibrant color combinations, the more I'm starting to fall for it. 

Thoughts on the color purple?

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